(250) 851-1481
McArthur Island Sports Centre, Kamloops

Kamloops Long Blades offers various groups for skaters to join.

Kamloops Long Blades Group Options:

At Kamloops Long Blades, skaters have the opportunity to join various groups tailored to their ability, age, and preferred practice frequency.

  • Practice Frequency:
    • Skaters can choose to practice 2, 3, or 4 times a week, with each session lasting one to 1.5 hours of ice time.
  • Lessons: First & Fast Strides
    • Offered once a week for 6 weeks either Mondays or Thursday for 45 minutes.
  • New this Season: Active for Life:
    • Tuesday nights from 7:30-9pm session for 14 years old to 70+ years old group, once a week session from mid-Sept to mid-March. Skate competitively or recreationally but skate and have fun.
  • Competitions:
    • KLB hosts two small competitions during practice times throughout the skating season.
    • Additionally, there are several full-day competitions during the season, and skaters are encouraged to participate in competitions hosted by other clubs.
  • Family Discount:
    • Enjoy a 10% discount when two or more members from the same family join for the full season.
  • Season Duration:
    • The skating season kicks off in the second week of September and concludes before the school break week in March.
  • Spring and Summer Activities:
    • During the spring and summer, KLB offers a range of activities for skaters, including in-line skating, dryland training, and summer ice practices.

For detailed information, please visit the practice and registration page on our website.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at info@kamloopslongblades.ca.

Join Kamloops Long Blades for a season of exciting skating and skill development!

Kamloops Long Blades skate and take part in dryland activities on the traditional lands of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc within Secwépemc’ulucw, the unceded territory of the Secwépemc people. We respect and acknowledge the Indigenous peoples of this land, known as Turtle Island, and thank them for allowing us to live, learn and manage our association on their territory
© 2024 Kamloops Long Blades. All rights reserved.