Our summer session of dryland & inline is set to begin Thursday, May 6th!
UPDATED! Please remember to read the KLB COVID-19 Safety Plan Summer 2021
Read, sign and return our Summer 2021 Participation Agreement by email to kamloopslongblades@gmail.com
Save both the KLB Athlete Wellness Survey & KLB Parent Wellness Survey to your phone – both need to be filled out prior to EACH practice!
In order to help us plan the upcoming inline skate fitting session, please answer the following short survey: Inline Skating Summer 2021 Survey
There will be an inline size fitting session during regular inline practice at our parking lot at McArthur Island on May 10th at 6:30pm. No other times will be available so please make sure to attend!
Both dryland and inline are weather dependent activities. Be sure to check WhatsApp/Facebook for any cancellations.
Parents will not be allowed onto the field of place unless requested by a Coach.
Check out our event/training calendar for any holiday cancellations or location changes (also on our home page): Kamloops Long Blades Calendar